Ted Sadowski
Randy St. Claire
Mark Salas
Benj Sampson (need 1994 Classic)
Alejandro Sanchez (need 1985 Donruss)
Ken Sanders
Mo Sanford
Johan Santana (need 2000 Bowman's Best or 2000 Fleer Tradition Update)
Jack Savage (need 1989 Donruss)
Mac Scarce
Dan Schatzeder (need 1978 Topps with Steve Burke, Matt Keough, and Lance Rautzhan)
Al Schroll (need 1955 Bowman)
Ken Schrom (need 1981 Topps with Luis Leal and Brian Milner)
Ron Schueler
Erik Schullstrom (need 1995 Ultra)
Todd Sears
Dan Serafini (need 1993 Topps)
Gary Serum
John Sevcik (need 1965 Topps with Joe Nossek and Rich Reese)
Jon Shave (need 1992 Upper Deck)
Jim Shellenback (with Elvio Jimenez)
Steve Shields
Garland Shifflett (need to create custom 1957 Topps)
Dwight Siebler (with Gerry Arrigo)
Ruben Sierra (need 1986 Donruss Rookies or 1986 Fleer Update)
Carlos Silva (need 2000 Bowman Draft Picks)
Bill Singer (with Jim Campanis)
Anthony Slama (need 2010 Bowman Chrome)
Kevin Slowey (need 2007 Topps 52)
Roy Smalley
John Smiley (need 1987 Topps Traded)
Mike Smith
Ray Smith
Roy Smith
Mike Smithson
Jim Snyder
Eric Soderholm
Rick Sofield
Paul Sorrento (need 1990 Bowman, 1990 Donruss, 1990 Score, or 1990 Upper Deck)
Denard Span
Chris Speier
Scott Stahoviak (need 1992 Topps)
Kevin Stanfield
Lee Stange
Terry Steinbach
Rick Stelmaszek
Mike Stenhouse (need 1962 Topps with Bo Belinsky, Joe Bonikowski, Jim Bouton, and Dan Pfister)
Buzz Stephen
Dave Stevens
Shannon Stewart
Dick Stigman
Chuck Stobbs (need 1952 Topps)
Les Straker
Jim Strickland (need 1972 Topps with Vic Albury and Rick Dempsey)
Frank Sullivan
Johnny Sutton (need 1979 Topps)
Anthony Swarzak
Greg Swindell (need 1987 Topps)
Kevin Tapani
Jerry Terrell
Wayne Terwilliger
Tim Teufel
Bob Tewksbury (need 1986 Topps Traded)
Greg Thayer
Brad Thomas (need 2000 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks)
Clete Thomas
George Thomas
Jim Thome (need 1991 Bowman)
Danny Thompson (need 1971 Topps)
Paul Thormodsgard
Luis Tiant
Terry Tiffee
Tom Tischinski
Matt Tolbert
Fred Toliver (need 1986 Donruss)
Kelvin Torve (need 1989 Upper Deck)
Rene Tosoni
Cesar Tovar (need 1965 Topps with Sandy Valdespino)
Mike Trombley
George Tsamis
Lee Tunnell (need 1983 Topps Traded)
Bill Tuttle (need 1956 Topps)
Jason Tyner (with Josh McKinley)
Ted Uhlaender (need 1966 Topps with Andy Kosco)
Scott Ullger
Sandy Valdespino (need 1965 Topps with Cesar Tovar)
Jose Valdivielso
Danny Valencia
Javier Valentin (need 1996 Bowman)
Elmer Valo
Jesus Vega (need 1983 Topps)
John Verhoeven
Zoilo Versalles (need 1961 Topps)
Bob Veselic (need to create custom 1980 Topps)
Frank Viola
Matt Walbeck
Kyle Waldrop
Todd Walker (need 1993 Topps Traded)
Charley Walters
Mike Walters (need 1984 Topps)
Danny Walton
Gary Ward
Jay Ward
Curt Wardle
Ron Washington
Scott Watkins (need to create custom 1995 Topps)
Tommy Watkins (need to create custom 2007 Topps)
Gary Wayne
Lenny Webster (need 1990 Score or 1990 Upper Deck)
Bob Wells (need 1995 Fleer Update)
Greg Wells
Vic Wertz (need 1949 Bowman)
David West
Pete Whisenant

Bill Whitby (need 1967 Topps with Rich Reese)
Rondell White
Len Whitehouse (need 1983 Topps Traded)
Mark Wiley
Rob Wilfong
Al Williams (need 1981 Topps)
Don Williams (need 1960 Topps)
Glenn Williams
Stan Williams
Josh Willingham
Carl Willis
Tack Wilson (need to create custom 1983 Topps)
Dave Winfield (need 1974 Topps)
Jim Winn
Larry Wolfe (need 1979 Topps)
Al Woods (need 1977 Topps with Brian Asselstine, Wayne Gross, and Sam Mejias)
Dick Woodson
Al Worthington
Butch Wynegar
Rich Yett (need 1985 Fleer Update)
Delmon Young (need 2003 Donruss Rookies)
Geoff Zahn
Bill Zepp (need 1970 Topps with Bob Johnson and Ron Klimkowski)
Jerry Zimmerman (need 1959 Topps)